Sinead O'Connor, Irish singer-songwriter. Showtime

Everything you need to know about the Irish surname O'Connor - its meaning, origins, interesting facts, and famous people with the last name O'Connor.

Irish derivation of O'Connor:

Ó Conchobhair.

Name meaning of O'Connor:

"Descendant of Conchobhair," meaning dog lover.

Counties associated with the name O'Connor:

Limerick, Clare, Kerry, and Cork.

O'Connor coat of arms motto:

From God every help.

Interesting facts about the Irish last name O'Connor:

  • Without the O’ prefix, it is a popular first name for boys in English-speaking countries.
  • There were at least five unrelated Ó Conchobhair families originally. They were located in Derry, Sligo/Roscommon, Offaly/Laois, Clare, and Kerry.
  • Considered to be historically the most important of all Irish surnames as Conchobhar, King of Connacht, who died in battle in 971 A.D., was the last king from the true Irish monarchy.

History of the O'Connor name:

O’Connors have a royal bloodline and their family history goes back thousands of years. There are several places of origin for O’Connors. Different septs come from areas such as Kerry and Clare in Munster, Offaly in Leinster, Derry in Ulster and three clans that covered most of Connacht.

Ireland’s last two High Kings, Turlough O’Connor and Roderick O’Connor were from Connacht. The Connacht O’Connor’s name derives from ‘Ua Conchobhair’ which means ‘from Conchobhair‘.

Some famous O'Connors:

  • Sandra Day O'Connor (1930, first woman justice of the US Supreme Court)
  • Edwin O'Connor (1918-1968, American writer and radio personality, winner of Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1962)
  • Frank O'Connor (1903-1966)
  • Patrick Edward O'Connor (1820-1871, American pioneer, Civil war soldier)
  • Sinead O'Connor (1966, Irish singer)

Are you an O'Connor? Doing some family research on your name? Let us know what you've found, or just say hello to your fellow O'Connors, in the comments section, below.