Here are some interesting facts about the Irish last name Curran, including its history, family crest, coat of arms, and famous clan members.

Everything you need to know about the Irish surname Curran - its meaning, origins, interesting facts and famous people with the last name Curran.

Irish derivation: Ó Corrin or Ó Cooraidhin

Name meaning: corradh, meaning spear

Counties associated with the name: Donegal, Tipperary, and Waterford 

Interesting facts

- The name Curran originates from the pre 10th century Olde Gaelic name O'Corraidhin.

Some famous Currans:

 - Mairead Curran (1968-, Austrailian actress, voice-over artist)  

 - Matthew 'Nutty' Curran (1882-1938, Irish professional heavyweight boxer)

 - Tony Curran (1969-, Scottish actor)

 - Charles Courtney Curran (1861-1941, American Painter)