The next supermoon will be visible in May

Did you catch the pink moon this week? The supermoon took center stage in the sky on April 27th and we've rounded up the best photos that were just out of this world.

The full moon in April is also known as the “pink moon” as it is named after pink flowers, known as phlox, which bloom in the springtime.

It is also a supermoon because the full moon will occur when it is near its closest point to the Earth in its orbit.

The celestial event took place just before sunset on April 27th as the moon rose in the east and was visible until it set in the west the next morning.

How stunning did the pink moon look hanging out over Galway?

Here it is peaking out over Fastnet Lighthouse in Co Cork:

Another incredible photo from Cork, this time pictured with the contrast of nature and industrial living.

Further afield, the pink moon looked incredible setting behind the prehistoric monument of Stonehedge in England.

It wasn't just Ireland that was treated to this amazing spectacle, the pink moon could also be seen all over the world, including at some famous landmarks. 

Here it is down under in Sydney, Australia:

The next supermoon will be visible in May 2021.