Catholic League President Bill Donohue.Facebook

Bill Donahue head of the Catholic League has finally jumped the shark.

His website announced this week that he is continuing the boycott of Guinness because they withdrew from the St. Patrick’s Day Parade last year.

So Donahue is boycotting Guinness for withdrawing from the parade even though Donahue himself announced a few weeks back that he is boycotting the parade himself.

So boycotting a boycotter when you are a boycotter yourself?

Oh Boy!

Confused? You have every right to be.

Donahue is adding nothing but confusion to the situation surrounding the parade. Then again he seems incapable of any other action.

The obvious person or institution to boycott would be the cardinal who has taken a principled position to march as Grand Marshal after the issue of gay participation was agreed – in direct contradiction to Donahue’s position.

Fact is, Dolan has pronounced himself happy with the accommodation reached by the parade. Donahue clearly is not.

The cardinal should be the real target of his anger, but somehow instead Guinness and the parade organizers are in the cross-hairs.

But the reflex action from Donahue is always to bend the knee to the cardinal and it's very clear why. His $408,000 salary comes from well-off Catholics, who might not take kindly to the notion of Cardinal Dolan being boycotted.

Donahue is like Al Sharpton drinking from the fire hose of controversy at every opportunity but never offering anything but polemics and poison.

The fact that this paragon of Catholic virtue, currently setting himself up as superior even to the cardinal in his moral outrage, is divorced should not be an issue, but when he is thumping his chest with his holier-than-thou approach, he makes it so.

Bill Donahue’s faux outrage at Guinness and parade organizers should be seen for what it is – a publicity stunt from the PT Barnum of Catholic conversation. Not for the first time Donahue is all hat and no cattle.