NY Irish Americans for Mike Bloomberg 2020.

Irish Americans in New York form new group, NY Irish Americans for Mike Bloomberg 2020, to boost his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Irish American Michael Bloomberg supporters from New York City and its boroughs, some of whom have worked in city government for various politicians, have formed a new group called NY Irish Americans for Mike Bloomberg 2020 to boost his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination.

The group was due to have its first organizational meeting on Tuesday night, February 19, and communications director Carolyn Daly says members are eager for the whole of America to realize what New Yorkers already know about Bloomberg.

“He was a great mayor.  He was a true innovator and a proven leader who brings people together.  He has guts, and he’s not afraid to take on the current occupant of the White House,” Daly told the Irish Voice.

Read more: Bloomberg bid backed by leading Irish as he enters debates

The new Bloomberg group is stressing what Daly calls the three “Es” – economy, education and environment, issues that Bloomberg has focused on both as mayor and through his philanthropic work.

“We identify as moderate Democrats,” Daly says.  “And that is what Michael Bloomberg is.”

The group plans on further outreach through Facebook and wants all to feel welcome to join, even those who aren’t Irish.

“The most important thing is to support Mayor Bloomberg.  We are open and happy to welcome all,” Daly said.

NY Irish Americans for Mike Bloomberg 2020 is planning a number of outreach events around the St. Patrick’s holiday, Daly says.  For particulars, visit the group’s Facebook page.