Top phrases in Irish for beginners like "Táim ag foghlaim na Gaeilge" / "I'm learning Irish". iStock

For IrishCentral readers in the US who have yet to follow up on their dreams of learning Gaeilge (Irish), we thought we’d get you started with these top phrases and terms that will help you in your first conversation 'as Gaeilge'.

If you want to learn more about how you can learn Irish in the US, look below!

Gaeilge phrases for beginners:

1. Is mise … :

Is mish-uh

I’m …

2. Táim ag foghlaim na Gaeilge:

Tawm eg fowlim na Gwaol-geh

I’m learning Irish.

3. Céard í an Ghaeilge ar:

Kerd ee an Gwaol-geh air

What is the Irish for …?

4. An féidir leat labhairt níos moille, le do thoil?:

An fayd-jur laawirt niece mwi-leh, le do hull?

An you speak slower please?

5. Tá Gaeilge agam:

Taw Gwaol-geh ahgum.

I have Irish.

6. Ní chainteoir líofa mé:

Knee kine-tour lee-o-fah may

I’m not a fluent speaker.

7. An bhfuil Gaeilge agat?:

An will Gwaol-geh ahgut?

Do you have Irish?

8. Bím ag foghlaim na Gaeilge ar líne:

Bee-um eg fowlim na Gwaol-geh air lee-nuh

I learn Irish online.

9. Bím ag freastal ar ranganna Gaeilge:

Bee-um eg fras-tal air wrong-anna Gwaol-geh.

I attend Irish classes.

10. Tír gan teanga, tír gan anam:

Tear gone tanga, tear gone an-im (pronounce these like they are in English e.g. tear - crying a tear.)

A country without a language is a country without a soul.

Another way to learn Irish: 

If you’re looking to start classes from scratch, brush up on what you know or are looking for further ways to practice, you can find more info on how to do so in our guide to learning the Irish language for free.

* Originally published in January 2018. Updated in August 2022.