Vice President Joe Biden believes Texas church hero Stephen Willeford shouldn't have had the rifle he used to shoot down killer Devin Kelley.White House/Pubic Domain

Irish American Joe Biden is known to put his foot firmly in his mouth and he may have done so yet again.

Biden appeared on the “Today” show Monday and suggested Texas church hero Stephen Willeford shouldn't have had the rifle he used to shoot down killer Devin Kelley.

Biden's remark came in answer to a question from an audience member who asked him to explain the Democrat’s call for more gun control — despite the fact that there would have been far more killings if Willeford had not been armed.

"Well, first of all, the kind of gun (semi-automatic assault rifle) being carried he shouldn’t be carrying," Biden said.

"Assault weapons are . . . I wrote the last serious gun control law that was written and was law for 10 years, and it outlawed assault weapons and it outlawed weapons with magazines that had a whole lot of bullets and so you can kill a whole lot of people a lot more quickly."

Read more: Does the USA want to live in fear? Gun control action needed immediately

The obvious question is how many would have died if Willeford did not have a gun.

"What do you say to the man who stepped up when he heard the gunshots? I'd say he's a hero," Wilson County Sheriff Joe Tackitt Jr. told CNN's Chris Cuomo .

"I don't think there's any question about that. Had he not done what he did, we could have lost more people."

Read more: Irish American politician says Massachusetts proves gun control moves work

Do you agree with former Vice President Joe Biden? Should a complete ban be placed on the kind of assault rifle carried by Stephen Willeford at the time of the Texas attack? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section, below?