Thankfully, we still have our accent, which across the board is always voted the sexiest in the world. Getty

The world doesn't think that we're the sexiest nation there is, despite what we may think! 

The Irish are the least sexy nation in the world, according to a new survey carried out by international media company, Big 7 Travel. With votes cast across the world by their 1.5 million-large audience, Ireland came completely last out of the 50 countries included in the vote. 

Somehow, the English managed to come way ahead of us in 9th place, which we think is drastically unfair when they also suffer from the same lack of sun affliction that many of us do. 

I mean, have people not seem Jamie Dornan? Or Cillian Murphy, Saoirse Ronan, or Paris Brosnan for that matter? For goodness sake, we can even claim Victoria Secret model Stella Maxwell!

Read more: Can you guess which Victoria's Secret supermodel is Irish?

Thankfully, we still have our accent, which across the board is always voted the sexiest in the world. 

The full list of top ten sexiest nations in the world was decided as: 

10th. Canadian
9th. English
8th. Armenian
7th. Italian
6th. South African
5th. Australian
4th. Brazilian
3rd. Filipino
2nd. Danish
1st. Ukrainian

Do you agree? Let us know in the comments section, below. 

Read more: The Irish accent voted sexiest in the world