This Hollywood A-lister doesn't leave home without a supply of Kerrygold!Kerrygold USA

This Hollywood A-lister doesn't leave home without some Kerrygold in her suitcase!

Kate Beckinsale might be Kerrygold butter's number one fan. The English actress has admitted that she always travels with a block of the Irish grass-fed butter to make sure she can include it in her higher-fat diet.

Read More: Kerrygold highlights Irish dairy farmers in heartwarming ad campaign

“I find it quite hard to get a hold of,” Beckinsale told People Magazine.

“If I’m going from one city to another I’ll put some in my suitcase to make sure I have it. I’m the crazy person traveling with butter.”

Beckinsale revealed that she uses Kerrygold butter in Bulletproof coffee - that is, coffee with a slab of butter in it!

Read More: Irish butter Kerrygold officially Ireland’s most successful food export

“When I did Pearl Harbor they had me on a very strict low-fat diet,” she added.

“I remember my mum coming and visiting me and going, ‘You look so old.’ I was 24 and I had lines on my face because I didn’t have enough fat. And so now, I remember very early on meeting a great nutritionist and they said, ‘One day everyone is going to say don’t eat low-fat margarine or they are going to say eat butter or eat olive oil.’ And it did take quite a long time, but I really noticed if I can eat coconut oil and butter and things like that, obviously in moderation, it makes almost an immediate effect on your skin.”

“I don’t think it is a myth. I think you can see the difference in a week or two.”

Kate Beckinsdale.

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Have you tried Kerrygold butter in your coffee? Let us know in the comments!

* Originally published in 2018.