A piece of royal wedding merchandise.WikiCommons

Despite the much-anticipated arrival of the newly-weds amid rumors about their potential mini-moon in Ireland, it has been reported that the couple does not plan to visit.

According to The Mayo News, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will not be going to Ashford Castle in County Mayo like many had previously presumed from circulating rumors.

“Though it has been hinted that the Duke and his new wife, the former Suits actress, might visit Ireland on a late honeymoon trip, The Mayo News has learned that Ashford Castle is not hosting the Royals this week,” the paper wrote. Instead, the castle is booked for a large corporate event, hence the security increase.

Read More: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to mini-moon in Ireland

According to RTÉ, locals had assumed that the couple was planning on staying there because of the increased security, which quickly spread into gossip throughout Ireland. The good news is that reports have stated that both are expected to take a trip to Ireland sometime this summer during an international tour.

As of now, the two royals have not been active on social media for a few days and Kensington Palace has not remarked where they are, choosing to instead focus on Prince William’s current royal engagements.

Read More: Meghan Markle and Prince Harry mini-mooning at this sumptuous Irish castle