Grieving mother Brigid Sweetman and her daughter Cathriona White, who took her own life in 2015. Facebook / Brigid Sweetman

The mother of Jim Carrey’s ex-girlfriend Cathriona White, from County Tipperary, is suing the Hollywood star for the wrong death of the 30-year-old makeup artist.

White died by suicide in September 2015. Her mother, Brigid Sweetman, said Carrey, who was a pallbearer at White’s funeral, should be “ashamed” of his treatment of her daughter. Her comments come amid claims that Carrey provided White with prescription drugs involved in her suicide.

Sweetman also repeated allegations, previously made by Mark Burton, White’s ex-husband, that Carrey gave White three sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) - Herpes 1, Herpes 2 and Chlamydia.

Cathriona had been living in LA and carving out a successful career in film and TV. She had also been taking classes at Scientology's Hollywood Celebrity Centre. White and Burton, both scientologists, had met in 2013 while working on an online comedy series. Burton works as a camera man.

Read more: Tragic last days of Cathriona White, Jim Carrey’s Irish love, revealed in autopsy report

In a statement Sweetman said "Jim Carrey should be ashamed of what he did to my daughter. And he should be ashamed for how he has used his Hollywood attorneys to badmouth Cat's husband Mark with the hope that nobody will hold him responsible for what he did.”

It continued “As a family, we want the world to know the truth about who Jim Carrey really is.

“A man that will give your daughter three STDs, lie about it, call her terrible names and demean her, use his high-priced lawyers to try and shut her and her family up, and then give her illegal drugs."

In reference to a note left by White, where she described being called a “whore” and “an opportunist” Sweetman said “Every mother and father that has a daughter should read Cat's handwritten letter to Jim and decide for themselves what kind of guy he really is."

According to papers filed with the Los Angeles Superior Court, Sweetman is suing Carrey for the wrongful death of White and the violation of the Drug Dealer Liability Act.

White’s mother claimed that Carrey tested positive for “numerous STDs” on Jan 28 2013 but provided a false name - Jose Lopez - for the test.

In response to the Tipperary mother’s lawsuit Carrey’s lawyer Marty Singer said “It is understandable that a mother who has lost a daughter will look for someone to blame.

"But in directing her grief and rage at Jim Carrey and joining this ridiculous attempt to capitalize on Cathriona's suicide, Ms Sweetman is heading down the same dark path as Cathriona's green-card 'husband' Mark Burton."

Previously Carrey’s lawyers have called these allegations against him “bogus” and “categorically disputed.”

In his lawsuits against Carrey White’s ex-husband, Burton, claimed that he had used “immense wealth and celebrity status" to access prescription drugs that caused Cathriona's death. The lawsuit also alleges that Carrey and his assistants monitored White’s movements via surveillance cameras but that they failed to report that Cathriona hadn't left the house in more than a day.

Speaking following news of Burton’s lawsuit emerged Carrey said “I will not tolerate this heartless attempt to exploit me or the woman I loved…Cat's troubles were born long before I met her."

Carrey’s lawyer Singer told TMZ that White had a broken relationship with her mother and that they were estranged for years. He said Sweetman is directing her grief and rage at Carrey. Singer went on to allege that White only married Burton for a green card, and they have multiple witnesses who will confirm this in court.

Singer also pointed out that White and Carrey were reunited in 2014 and were together until just a few weeks before her death. He reiterated that Carrey will not settle with Burton.