
The first presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump has just wrapped up at Long Island’s Hofstra University. In brief, the candidates discussed achieving prosperity, America's direction, security... and a whole lot of other things. Here's our longer take, for you to perusebut in the meantime we’re eager to hear your opinions.

Who won tonight’s debate: Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton or Republican nominee Donald Trump? Was there even a clear winner at all?

Take a few seconds to vote in our poll, below. If you have any larger takeaways – Did you see a specific turning point in the debate? Is there a certain question, answer, or exchange that stood out to you? Is there something the candidates didn’t discuss tonight that you’re eager to hear more about? – let us know in the comment section.

The poll ends Tuesday at 12 noon EDT and we will share the results (views from the US and then perspectives from around the world) at 2pm EDT.