O'Malley stuns the crowd on his campaign trail with his musical prowess.Huffington Post

Former Maryland governor and curent Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley took a quick break from his presidential campaign last week to serenade supporters with an impromptu performance.

Speaking at a local pub in Beaverdale during a campaign stop in Iowa, the Irish-American candidate stood on a chair to start off a sing-along to “Scare Away the Dark” by Passenger with a guitar that appeared as if by magic.

“Oh, a guitar, really,” said O’Malley. “It’s miraculous how these things emerge.”

O’Malley is no stranger to the spotlight, with President Barack Obama previously referring to him as a “rocker.”

The former Maryland governor has performed with a Celtic rock group named O’Malley’s March since 1988 – singing, playing the guitar, and even playing the banjo.

Speaking to The Huffington Post O’Malley said, “Right now the band is about seven people. We don’t play that often, but when we do, we make a lot of music.”

He’s also no stranger to making use of his musical talents to woo supporters on the campaign trail.

“Every event is a little different, but it isn’t unusual at the end of the night for somebody to bring out a guitar,” he said. “Music is all that keeps us here. It’s a great way for people to connect.”

His vocal acrobatics may not yet be having the effect he desires on voters, however. The main focus of O’Malley’s campaign to date has been in Iowa, but a recent Quinnipac poll revealed that only 7 percent of the state’s voters viewed him favorably, with a larger 11 percent viewing him unfavorably.

The remaing 82 percent are there to be swayed by the crooning candidate, however, saying that they simply were not informed enough about him to form an opinion.

Following his performance last week, O’Malley’s campaign staffers collected nearly a dozen commit-to-caucus forms, possibly a sign that his presidential campaign is gaining momentum.

Video: Karen Smith Murphy/YouTube