Back in the White House, Bill Clinton would prefer “First Laddie” to “First Gentleman,” in a nod to his Irish roots. Gage Skidmore / Creative Commons

If the Clintons return to the White House after the 2016 election with Hillary as president, Bill Clinton would like to be known as the “First Laddie” rather than the “First Gentleman.”

He would be the first-ever husband to fill the role of first spouse, so this morning on the Today Show Bill and Hillary’s daughter Chelsea was asked what her father should be called.

It’s a question she gets asked frequently, but this time she offered some insight from the man himself.

"He likes to hearken back to his kind of Irish roots, so I think he'd love to be called 'First Laddie'" she said with a laugh.

But Clinton doesn't think that will catch on.

"So I'm definitely voting for 'First Gentleman,'" she said.

His Irish roots are from his mother, Virginia Cassidy Kelley, who was the granddaughter of emigrants from County Fermanagh.

Chelsea Clinton will address the Democratic National Convention tonight, introducing her mother as the Democratic nominee for president.

Watch the full interview below: