Molly Martens Corbett and her father Thomas Martens have been found guilty of the second-degree murder of Jason Corbett.

Jason Corbett murder trial verdict finds Molly Martens Corbett and Thomas Martens guilty of second-degree murder

The widow and father-in-law of Limerickman Jason Corbett have been found unanimously guilty of second-degree murder by a jury in North Carolina.

Molly Martens Corbett and her father, former FBI agent Thomas Martens, will face fourteen years or life behind bars after nine women and three men concluded they had not killed Jason Corbett in self-defense but out of malice.

On August 2, 2015, Martens struck Corbett fatally with a baseball bat at least 12 times; he told police afterward he had found his son-in-law strangling his daughter.

Two years later, their account was found to be untrue and it’s possible the 67-year-old Thomas Martens will die in jail.

Before the verdict was announced, attorneys on both sides urged the families to display no emotion what ever happened.

Molly Martens Corbett breaks down in tears following guilty verdict

But moments after the Martens’ guilt was announced to the courtroom Molly Martens Corbett broke down in tears and the Corbett family hugged each other and cried.

“I’m sorry Mom, I wish they’d just kill me,” Molly told her mother before she and her father were cuffed and lead away.

The clerk of the courtroom then proceeded to check the verdict with each of the jurors: some shed tears of their own and choked up but each stood by their verdict.

Jury in Jason Corbett murder trial weep as verdict is confirmed and victim impact statement delivered

One observer described them as “overwhelmed with emotion”.

Family and friends of the Corbetts shook their heads in disbelief as each confirmed their decision.

After a 15-minute recess, an attorney for the state said, “There is no joy or pride in the verdict of this trial. Just grief... just grief."

In a shaky voice, he recommended that sentencing level one apply and asked that the pair spend 20 to 25 years behind bars for their crime.

"This jury has determined that Jason didn't have to die. That his kids did not deserve to lose their father."

As he spoke Molly began once again to cry.

With the verdict announced, Corbett’s sister, Tracey Lynch, stepped forward to give a victim impact statement.

"There really are no adequate words to describe the pain, agony, and despair of Jason's murder," she said and members of the jury began to weep.

"We will never get over Jason's death. He was beaten and battered in his own home.”

Corbett’s parents remained in Ireland for the trial but Lynch read a message from her father, 81-year-old John.

"It was very hard because I had to watch Molly and Thomas Martens carry on as if nothing had happened. I miss Jason so much," he lamented.

"All we are asking is justice for Jason. For his family, for his friends, but especially for Jack and Sarah."

After their father died, custody of Jack and Sarah Corbett was awarded to Lynch and her husband, David. Molly had argued she should be allowed to care for them as their stepmother but a judge ruled they should return to Ireland and be amongst their biological family.

Almost two years ago to the week since one courtroom deprived her of her stepchildren, now another has deprived her of her liberty.

H/T: Fox News