The Great Blasket Island off the coast of Co Kerry is in need of two people to mind the area's accommodation and coffee shop.Ireland's Content Pool

The Great Blasket Island off the coast of Co Kerry is looking for two people to live and work there full time this year

Looking for a new job in Ireland? The Great Blasket Island off the coast of Co Kerry is in need of two people to manage the Island's accommodation and coffee shop from April through October 2020.

Read More: On This Day: The Blasket Islands evacuation of 1953

The Great Blasket Islands, off the beautiful coast of Co Kerry, were abandoned back in 1954 after a decline in population, along with concerns about the difficulty of reaching the island in the event of an emergency. The island, which remains largely uninhabited, does not have electricity or hot running water but is still attracts tourists in the warmer months.

On January 10, the official Twitter page for the Great Blasket Island shared a glimpse of what your new “office” could look like:

Read More: Will the Blasket Islands ever be a state park? Government efforts ended on this day in 1999

In 2019, the enviable position was filled by Irish couple Lesley Kehoe and Gordon Bond who traded their Dublin city jobs for a simpler life on the Great Blasket Islands.

Kehoe kept followers up to date on her new way of life over on Twitter @island_lesley. On January 8, she revealed that she would not be returning to the position in the new year:

Read More: From the Great Blasket to America - a memoir of the longest surviving islander

If you're interested in learning more or visiting The Great Blasket Island, check out their website.

Think you’re up for the job? You can email Alice at for more information!

Would you consider living full-time on The Great Blasket Island? Let us know in the comments!