Love Ireland? Fall in love with Ireland? Either way, we want to hear about it this St. Valentine's Day.Getty

Ireland is a land of romance and this St. Valentine’s Day IrishCentral wants to share your Irish love story with its global community.

Whether you’ve fallen in love with the green hills of Ireland and the warmth of its people or you found the love of your life in Ireland and lived happily ever after IrishCentral wants to hear your story.

Sign up to our contributor’s network to share your story here

There’s an old Irish proverb “your feet will take you where your heart is” and for many who read IrishCentral be they from Australia, Europe or the United States Ireland is where their heart is. Over the years IrishCentral’s been lucky enough to share some truly romantic stories.

From a Canadian dentist of who fell in love after just a brief encounter with a redhead in County Clare, to a modern-day love story that will bring at least a smile if not a tear to your face, to folks who fell so head in heels in love with Ireland that they decided to quit the rat race and move hook line and sinker to the Emerald Isle.

The romance of Ireland intoxicates people and we want to hear your Irish love story.

If you want to share your story with the IrishCentral community around the world sign up to our contributor’s network here!

Submit about 500 words on your Irish love story, no more than 1,000 words. Include some images and even video and submit.

IrishCentral will showcase the best Irish love stories from our community in the run-up to St. Valentine’s Day, Feb 14.