Over 10k Irish expected to take up Canadian work visas for 2020.Getty

Up to 10,700 Irish citizens, in their 20s and 30s, set to move to Canada as the popular working holiday program, Canadian International Experience Canada,  reopens and post-Brexit Ireland remains uncertain.

The Canadian International Experience Canada (IEC) working holiday program has opened for the 2020 season. Up to 10,700 Irish citizens, aged 18 to 35, will have the chance to obtain a work permit that will allow them to work and travel in Canada for up to two years.

An IEC work permit represents the opportunity for young Irish people to travel and work abroad, in Canada with the possibility of staying permanently. 

Read more news from Canada on IrishCentral here

During the 2019 IEC season, over 14,000 visa invitations were sent to Irish applicants, underlining the popularity of the working holiday program among younger Irish people looking to sample life in Canada. Given the ongoing uncertainty regarding Brexit and the potential impact it may have on Ireland, it wouldn’t be a major shock if interest in the working holiday program increased in 2020, according to the Irish company Moving2Canada. 

The Irish-run information website Moving2Canada has launched a new free tool to help Irish applicants organize and simplify the move to Canada.

Speaking on the matter, Moving2Canada Editor, Hugo O’Doherty said “Candidates under the IEC program have a lot on their plate and a few pitfalls to avoid. For example, once you are invited to apply you only have 30 days to complete and submit what is quite a detailed application, including police certificates and a biometrics check.

"That's why Moving2Canada has developed Moving2Canada GO, a new free tool that provides candidates with a full checklist of their most important steps depending on where they are in the process."

Read more: Irish Canadians continue fight for recognition at Montreal light rail station