Colm Flynn will be taking you live to the St. Patrick's Day festivities in New York City.  iStock

Colm Flynn will be taking you live to the St. Patrick's Day festivities in New York City. 

New York is one of the best places in the whole world to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. The streets fill with green-clad people who are Irish or Irish for the day, the crowds at Irish pubs spill out onto the sidewalk, and 150,000 proud Irish women, men, and children take part in the New York City St. Patrick's Day parade. 

The parade, which dates back to the 1760s, draws a crowd of over 2 million spectators, who watch as the grand marshal, dignitaries, the county associations, pipe and drum bands, Irish dancers, and other organized groups make their ways up Fifth Avenue from 44th Street to 79th Street, where the parade ends, just a stone's throw from the American Irish Historical Society. 

This Saturday, March 17, 2018, IrishCentral will be bringing you live to the streets of New York. Leading the way will be Irish TV & radio presenter Colm Flynn, whom many of you will recognize from his previous IrishCental series Talkin' Bout Ireland and his excellent segments for RTE and the BBC. 

Colm Flynn

Colm will be stopping at different points along the parade route - and maybe making a detour or two! - starting at 11am EST. So tune in on IrishCentral's Facebook page and join in on the fun!

Don't miss our Facebook Live of the Dublin St. Patrick's Day parade earlier in the day, either. 

Happy St. Patrick's Day!