Champagne flutes iStock

If you're watching - or at least toasting - the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, an Irish Royale should be your tipple of choice. 

The royal wedding is upon us! On Saturday, May 19, in the town of Windsor, Prince Henry (yes that's his official first name) Charles David Albert of Wales is marrying Rachel (yes, that's her official first name!) Meghan Markle. 

Whether you're going all out with a big viewing party or you're one of the 57% of Irish who claim they will not be watching the royal wedding, chances are you might be wanting a cocktail. 

We've got you covered with the perfect concoction that both marks the occasion and gives a nod to Meghan Markle's Irish roots  - the Irish Royale. 

What is an Irish Royale? 

It's a heavier, less sweet spin on the classic Champagne Cocktail and Kir Royale drinks. Instead of brandy or cassis, you use Irish whiskey. 

We recommend a champagne on the slightly sweeter side so it stands up to the whiskey. For the whiskey, Jameson works well because of its vanilla notes, but whatever your go-to is will work. 

Irish Royale Recipe


  • Chilled champagne
  • Irish whiskey
  • 1 Sugar cube
  • Angostura bitters
  • Champagne flute
  • Cocktail shaker
  • Ice


Place one sugar cube at the bottom of a champagne flute and saturate it with a few dashes of Angostura bitters.

Add 1.5 oz of your Irish Whiskey of choice to a cocktail shaker full of ice and shake vigorously.

Strain it into the champagne flute and top off with a generous pour of champagne. 

Now, make one for a friend and cheers with one of these Irish wedding toasts!