Richard Blanco released a touching poem on the anniversary of 9/11. Richard Blanco Twitter

Presidential Poet, Richard Blanco, created a unique  2020 9/11 poem and dedicated it to Cantor Fitzgerald and their 658 employees lost on 9/11.

Blanco was supported by the  Cantor Fitzgerald Relief Fund and Cantor Fitzgerald's CEO Howard Lutnick. Lutnick’s unwavering, unconditional and non-negotiable commitment to helping those who suffered after 9/11  is legendary. 

A 2019 presentation to the Grab The Torch charity, which fosters leadership at Cantor Fitzgerald's corporate office, changed the lives of some of the leadership scholars and impacted everyone in the room. The Blanco poem was one of the outcomes.

Read more: How 9/11 led one photographer to Gaelic football

Dave Aldrich, founder of Grab The Torch, stated that “9/11 brought us to our knees, but for the most part, we all came together as one earth, one country, one city, one neighborhood and one family to rebuild and unite. Grab The Torch played their own major role with huge support from Cantor FitzGerald."

Aldrich said “The Blanco poem is not about what's right or wrong with the current climate or who's responsible for the mistakes of the past. Its purpose is to give us time to pause for a few minutes, reflect and re-set, and hopefully think about how best we can help each other moving forward.

 “Richard's poems ‘One Today’ for the 2013 Presidential Inauguration, ‘Boston Strong’ after the Boston Marathon bombing and ‘The U.S. of Us’ for El Paso shootings brought millions together. These events of celebration and tragedy affected everyone. This is  Blanco’s first poem commemorating 9/11. 

“Everyone, especially our children, needs something right now. Anyone who isn't concerned about what all of this is doing to the mental health and social-emotional learning of our children is living under a rock.  

Aldrich stated “We're producing a short video of Blanco's poem that can be shared with everyone around the world. When it's ready for distribution on 9/11, I'm asking you to share the video with everyone you know, Facebook, Twitter feeds, blogs and every possible vehicle to push it out. Share with folks in media, advertising, PR, HR, marketing, social impact, corporations and most importantly, EDUCATION. I personally witnessed the impact that Blanco’s work had on students from every possible socioeconomic standing. He neutralizes conflict with empathy, compassion and a common purpose. 

Aldrich concluded: “Please put this on your calendar and begin to think about who you know in the aforementioned industries and professions. A simple click of the mouse, phone call, exchange on the beach or passing on a walk will make a difference. Get them thinking about who they know and how the ripple effect can make a difference. You can be part of a Gladwell 'Tipping Point' along with honoring Cantor Fitzgerald who has done more than just walk the walk for the greater good, they're running a marathon to make a difference."

Read more: Remembering the Irish and Irish Americans lost during the 9/11 attacks