Halfway to St Patrick's Day dance video from the Fusion Fighters Irish Dance Company.YouTube/Fusion Fighters

A dancer from “Riverdance” has partnered with Irish dance schools in Pennsylvania and Ohio to make a video celebrating halfway to St Patrick’s Day, which is today, September 17.

The video introduces the Irish Dance Fusion Fighters, made up of dancers from four Irish dance schools, and stars “Riverdance” and “Lord of the Dance” dancer Chris Naish, The Morning Call reports.

Naish, who founded Fusion Fighters, is director of the video, which was shot in Bethlehem, PA. Sisters Dawn and Jacque Parker, who are co-directors, say the video showcases what they call Irish fusion dance.

The video shows Naish jumping out of bed when he realizes that it is only six months before St Patrick’s Day. He sends a text message and Facebook invitations to his dancers and they all head to the studio to prepare for the celebration. A parade of dancers travels through the town until they arrive at Lehigh Valley Charter High School for the Art in Bethlehem, where they dance on stage. 

Read more: Today marks halfway to St. Patrick’s Day! Here’s how to celebrate

The participating dancers in the film come from Irish Stars Parker School of Irish Dance in Hellertown, Ni Riain School of Irish Dance of York, McCulloch School of Irish Dance of Hudson, Ohio and the McGovern Ceili Dancers of Dayton, Ohio.

How are you celebrating Halfway to St Patrick's Day? Let us know in the comments section, below.