While Ireland may now be suffering from a severe bread and milk shortage, one thing the country’s not sparse on this week is a multitude of jokes. iStock

Storm Emma is giving Ireland’s March 2018 a snowy, chilly start as the country stockpiles up on bread, milk and many, many jokes ahead of the severe weather warnings.

While Ireland may now be suffering from a severe bread and milk shortage, one thing the country’s not sparse on this week is a multitude of jokes to help get through the worry over the expected “Beast from the East” and Storm Emma collision.

Yes, Storm Emma looks set to put the early months of 2018 down in the Irish weather record books as one of the worst snow storms we've ever seen and while there is a certain amount of battening down the hatches going on, there’s still plenty of craic to be had!

Read more: WATCH LIVE: Beast from the East Storm Emma snowstorm fast approaching Ireland

In general, people are prepped and ready for the worst to happen:

The panic shopping is being taken to a whole new level by some:

Image: Snapchat/Joe Mulraney

Well, this certainly explains the need for all the bread (this means “ham sandwich” for those unfamiliar with eating ham sandwiches from the back of your car at the bog or at a GAA match):

Irish stores are getting in on the action and have some vital shopping advice:

The weather report also had some rather odd advice, although we'd always recommend stocking up on Tayto:

Nothing will ever stop an Irish Mammy from getting her washing out to dry on the line:

Irish people living in places where this kind of snow is simply the norm have been having a good laugh at the panic:

What’s the best Storm Emma joke you’ve seen so far? How are the preparations going in your area?