No "Irish Exit" here - just Irish hellos!Getty Images

We've all heard of the 'Irish Exit,' but what about an Irish hello?

Leave it to the Irish and all their Cead mile Fáilte to have no shortage of ways to say "hello!"

The Irish greeting can be a confusing one for the tourist or traveler, who often don't understand the phrases for hello in Irish slang.

Nevermind how to say an Irish greeting in Gaelic, it's hard enough to get around the Irish greeting hello when it's being said in English. 

The wonderful world of spoken English in Ireland once again imposes itself on the daily greeting. Different folks, as you quickly learn, will say hello in different ways.

Here's a look at the various phrases for the Irish greeting for hello: 

How are you?

Grander, noble folk.


Country folk.

How goes the battle?

Young lads, having fun with each other.

How’s the craic?

Lads and girls, saying hello.

How in the name of Jaysus are ya?

Usually asked with concern, after a night drinking, perhaps.

How’s the form?

Breezy, young business types mostly.

How’s the lad?

Male bonding stuff.

How the hell are you?

After you’ve been ill, first appearance back.

How’s the man?

When you haven’t seen someone for a while.

How’s it going there?

Usually to a stranger.


As in, what the feck was going on last night?!

*Originally published in 2016, last updated in November 2020.