This Royal Correspondent for The Sun managed to completely botch Irish terms.Twitter/@fourleafclovr

For foreigners, the Irish language and all its intricacies can be difficult to grasp, but this one British journalist completely botched pronunciations altogether when talking about the royal visit to Ireland.

Let’s just say the Irish ‘Tea Set’ Leo Varadkar would not be happy with how little effort she made in finding out how to say ‘Taoiseach’.

On Good Morning Britain, Andrews managed to discuss the widely anticipated visit to ‘Crowe’s Park’, a football stadium as she described,  by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

She also said that the couple will be doing ‘some small kind of sensitive stuff’ such as seeing Bloody Sunday relics before having fun at the ‘football’ stadium.

“They are going to meet the President of Ireland, the tea set - the Irish Prime Minister, they are going to Crowe’s Park, the big football stadium there. They’re also doing quite a lot of small sensitive stuff.

“They are seeing some of the Bloody Sunday relics in Crowe’s Park and going to the immigration museum,” the very clearly non-Irish journalist stated.

Well, here’s to the Royals’ trip to 'doubling', the capital of 'island'!

Read More: Irish anger as Prince Harry lays claim to disputed Irish land and title, Unionists delighted