Bertie Ahern, former Irish leader. Sure he's a gas man....if only he meant to be. RollingNews

Malapropism is the official term for when you use a word in the wrong way. Many Irish people are past masters, leading to lots of fun and banter.

Two Irish politicians stand out for their malapropisms (malaprops): former Irish leader Bertie Ahern, who invented his own language called “Bertie Speak” according to the media, and former Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, who was also famous for using the wrong word at the wrong time.

Mayor Richard J Daley

Mayor Richard Daley pictured greeting Nixon. Photo: National Archives

In a speech at City Hall Mayor Richard Daley, mayor of Chicago from 1955-1976, praised “Alcoholics Unanimous”

Bertie Ahern

Bertie Ahern...sure isn't it gas.

In a speech in Dublin, Irish leader Bertie Ahern pleaded with fellow political leaders not to “upset the apple tart.”

Rick Perry

Former Texas governor Rick Perry.

Irish American former Texas governor Rick Perry (one of his forbears William Gaston was born in Ireland) stated in a speech “States are lavatories of innovation” … He meant laboratories.

Bertie Ahern

Bertie Ahern again.

During a heated political debate: "People should stop throwing white elephants and red herrings at each other.”

Mayor Daley

Defending his police after riots at the 1968 Democratic convention, Daley said, "The police are not here to create disorder; they're here to preserve disorder."

Richard Daley… again

After bad flooding in a city nearby he told the media, ”The flood damage there was so bad they had to evaporate the city.”

Richard Daley … no really

After a series of armed encounters he stated, “People are getting hurt in drive-by shoot alongs”

Unnamed Irish politician

Defending his honor (possibly apocryphal but too good to miss). "I will answer those alligators in my own time." … Of course, he meant allegations.

Read more: Funny phrases Irish use that Americans don’t