Where is your favorite Irish pub outside of Ireland? Getty

Don't live in Ireland but have a great Irish bar you love to frequent? Let us know about your #1 spot. 

Throughout June, IrishCentral is celebrating Irish food! You can follow the whole story on social media by searching for #FoodMyMammyMade and #ICFood. You can keep up to date with all our Food and Drink stories here or never miss a recipe by checking out our dedicated topic page here.

We consider ourselves connoisseurs of what makes a great Irish pub at IrishCentral, having lined up the very best bar in each US state and looking all around the work for the Irish pubs in places you'd least expect them. 

We're coming to the end of our Food and Drink celebration month but in the true Irish style, we're rolling out one for the road and want to find out where the very best Irish pub outside of Ireland is located. 

Read more: Best Irish pub in every state in the United States

Is the US the true home to the best Irish pubs? Does the UK do an Irish bar better than any other? Tell us where your favorite is and why in the survey below.  

Throughout June, IrishCentral is celebrating Irish food! You can follow the whole story on social media by searching for #FoodMyMammyMade and #ICFood. You can keep up to date with all our Food and Drink stories here or never miss a recipe by checking out our dedicated topic page here.