Where are the world's O'Sullivans? Getty

O'Sullivans and Sullivans are a global entity and we want to know where they are based. 

Throughout July, IrishCentral is celebrating the O'Sullivans and the many great people who share the Irish last name.

We are taking a look at some of the most successful O'Sullivans and the places in Ireland you should visit associated with the surname, starting off with this explainer of all you need to know about the Irish family name from its meaning to the most interesting facts. 

Firstly, however, we want to know where in the world you are? Is there a spot in the world where more O'Sullivans/Sullivans have congregated than any other? Tell us in the survey below and happy O'Sullivan month! 

Read more: Celebrating the O'Sullivans! Everything you need to know about the Irish family name

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What is your favorite thing about being an O'Sullivan? Let us know in the comments section, below.