Here are some interesting facts about the Irish last name Hogan, including its history, family crest, coat of arms, and famous clan members.

Everything you need to know about the Irish surname Hogan - its meaning, origins, interesting facts and famous people with the last name Hogan.

Irish derivation:

Ó hÓgáin.

Hogan name meaning:

"Descendant of the young one."

Counties associated with the name Hogan:

Tipperary and Clare.

Hogan coat of arms motto:

"Like Lightning."

Looking for more on your Irish surname? Visit our Irish clans and surnames page here. 

Interesting facts about the Irish family name Hogan:

- It has been claimed that those who bear the name are descended from an uncle of Brian Boru, the Irish High King.

Famous Hogans:

- Bosco Hogan (born 1949, an Irish actor)

- Brigid Hogan-O'Higgins (1932, Irish politician)

- Danny Hogan (1880–1928, an American participant in organized crime)

- Hulk Hogan (1953, wrestler and reality television star)

- João Hogan (1914–1988, Portuguese artist)

Are you a Hogan? Done some family research on your name? Let us know what you've found, or just say hello to your fellow Hogans, in the comments section, below. 

Looking for more on your Irish surname? Visit our Irish clans and surnames page here.