Here are some interesting facts about the Irish last name Sweeney, including its history, family crest, coat of arms, and famous clan members.

Everything you need to know about the Irish surname Sweeney 

Irish derivation: Mac Suibhne

Name meaning: "Son of the pleasant one"

Counties associated with the name: Donegal

Coat of arms motto: "Strike for Victory."

Interesting facts: The Sweeney clan is thought to have originated in Scotland before emigrating to Ireland, particularly the Ulster region.

Some famous Sweeneys:

  •  Alison Sweeney (1976-, American television actress)
  •  Anne Sweeney (1957-, President of Disney-ABC Television Group)
  •  Bob KO Sweeney (1894-1961, American boxer)
  •  Brian Sweeney (1974-,  professional baseball player)

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Do you know any Sweeneys? Let us know in the comments!