“Clare landowner for big job in the US” is how the Farmer’s Journal described Trump’s win. Aisling Hussey / Twitter

“TRUMP TRIUMPHS” read the front page of the New York Times on morning after Election Day.

The Farmers Journal, Ireland’s long-standing source for farming news, took a slightly different approach.

“Clare landowner for big job in the US,” is what they went with, citing Trump’s ownership of a golf course and hotel in Doonbeg, Co. Clare.

“So, Donald Trump is to be the leader of the Free World for the next four years,” the article began.

“It’s hard to know how to follow that sentence, but there seems to be an under appreciation of the fact that he is a landowner in Ireland, with an extensive property in Co. Clare.”

It went on to comment on Trump’s clash with local authorities over planning permission and environmental preservation.

The Farmers Journal’s social media guru Aisling Hussey was first to share the headline on Twitter.