Doug Leddin speaks about his fight with depression in a Facebook post that has gone viral.Facebook

One Irishman’s video about depression and mental health has had over a million views on Facebook since it was posted on April 13.

In his post, Doug Leddin, a 27-year-old Dublin resident, speaks candidly about his own fight with depression over the last 10 years.

"I'm talking about depression and it's something we all need to talk more about," he writes. "For too long people have suffered in silence and it's not right."

He says he decided to make the video to “lift this burden off my shoulders and to share my experience with you.”

Here is Leddin's full post:

It's not often I post something too serious on Social Media and I'm not sure this is the right thing to do and to be honest

i'm nervous as hell writing this status but I hope it helps others and I hope you can share this if you think it will help someone.

There is something I have wanted to get off my chest for a long time, 10 years in fact. This will come as a surprise to some of my closest friends who I just couldn't talk to for fear of loosing them or not being accepted.

But after a lot of thought and consideration I decided to make a video to lift this burden off my shoulders and to share my experiences with you.

I'm talking about depression and its something we all need to talk more about, for too long people have suffered in silence and its not right and as hard as it is to talk about it, it genuinely does help. Im not saying that by opening up to your friends, family, colleagues or even teammates that it will make everything ok, but it will certainly help.

To my best friends I have to say sorry, sorry for not having the courage to do this sooner.

To my family, thank you for the support over the past 10 years.

I'm now 27 and in a much better place in my life. I have spent years in and out of doctors, John of Gods and various other places getting help since the age of 16. It was a dark place and I suffered alone and I shouldn't have. The past year have been much better and i'm thankfully in a place now that I feel comfortable sharing this and although I wish it didn't take me this long to open up it did and I cant change that but hopefully I can encourage a few others to do the same.

I suppose the reason I'm doing this is to try encourage others to speak about their mental health issues with family, friends or even organisations.

If you think this could help someone please feel free to share it.

Together we can beat the stigma associated with mental health, an issue that is on the rise with people of our generation.

Just remember you are not alone!

If anyone needs to talk to anyone there are plenty of organisations out there that can help:

Console Ireland
Pieta House, Preventing Suicide and Self Harm
Reach Out Ireland
Samaritans Ireland
A Lust For Life

Possibly the most nerve wrecking thing I have ever done is writing this and clicking "Post".

Thanks to Gerard Walsh for making this video for me, A true legend and a great friend!

Source: Mashable.

Read more: Silence is deafening in Ireland’s discussion on mental health