Father Ted creator Graham Linehan. Schreibvieh/WikiCommons

Graham Linehan, the beloved creator of The IT Crowd and Father Ted, has spoken of his testicular cancer treatment.

Irish writer Graham Linehan is known for extending his excellent writing from his scripts to his humorous Twitter page and so it was here on Wednesday that the Father Ted creator decided to announce that he has testicular cancer and is currently undergoing treatment.

On Thursday, however, Linehan returned to Twitter to reveal he'd been given the all clear and would no longer have to undergo chemotherapy. 

Now living in England for several years, The IT Crowd writer used his characteristic good humor and kindness to make the announcement, revealing that he has had an operation to remove the cancer cells and thought that he would now be undergoing chemotherapy.

Currently in the middle of putting together “Pope Ted,” Linehan had been forced to cancel some events in Australia stating that he hoped to make it back there next year, thinking he was looking at three months of treatment ahead of him. 

Read more: "Careful Now" Father Ted to become musical called "Pope Ted"

Wednesday's announcement was met with an outpouring of love from his fans around the world, who include several other well-known Irish faces.

We're delighted to hear you got the all clear, Graham!