Enter this MyIrishDate Matchmaker giveaway to be in with a chance to win an IrishCentral Box.Getty

Be in with a chance to win, one of five, IrishCentral Boxes when you refer a friend to MyIrishDate, the new Irish dating app, with this Matchmaker giveaway.

Fancy yourself as a bit of a "Celtic Cupid"? Then you need to get involved with our Matchmaker giveaway in partnership with MyIrishDate. We have not one, but five IrishCentral Boxes to give away as a reward for the matchmakers who are spreading the love.

Why enter, you ask? Well, it’s quite simple, really. Whoever you nominate might find the love of their life on MyIrishDate, the Irish American dating app, and you could win a wonderful prize from The IrishCentral Box. Everyone’s a winner!

How to enter MyIrishDate's Matchmaker giveaway

Click here to visit the MyIrishDate Matchmaker page

Share the MyIrishDate Matchmaker page with someone you know that would love to find their Irish grá (meaning love).

You can share the MyIrishDate link via Whatsapp, Twitter, Messenger via the share buttons on the Matchmaker page, or copy the link and send it wherever you like!

Make sure they sign up! (You can chase them down with the wooden spoon if you have to!).

That’s it! We will be selecting five new users who sign up via this page - And the person who nominated them will be sent an amazing IrishCentral Box full of goodies!

About MyIrishDate

MyIrishDate is a new Irish American dating app that aims to bring like-minded, fun people together creating a community where you fit right in. Outside of Ireland, the greatest Irish community in the world is without doubt Irish Americans - full of love, fun, kinship, and that connection. MyIrishDate is made up of people born in Ireland, of Irish descent, and those who simply love the Irish.

MyIrishDate came about because its founders noticed the need for change in the online dating world. Looking at other dating sites they realized they are lacking and asking all the wrong questions, not properly capturing what it is that makes their users tick. 

Most dating sites focus on their user's earnings, weight, height, and other superficial assets.  Both women and men are undeniably tired of having to describe themselves in this same way that really has nothing to do with who they really are. It is time for something new and MyIrishDate realized that there was a gap in the market for a dating site that wants to find out who their users really are.

MyIrishDate enables daters to create a profile that for once they will be truly happy with. A profile that shows how they live their lives, what they find funny, and what is important to them.

This tribe on MyIrishDate will know the true you - how you grew up, probably what your favorite dinner is, what makes you laugh and these little things all go a long way in creating new friends. Sure opposites attract but we all know similarities are comforting.

For more information visit www.MyIrishDate.com.