Could Artificial Intelligence do your job?iStock

In as little as the next 35 years Artificial Intelligence could advance to do many of our jobs for us… It’s already happening

Artificial Intelligence, commonly referred to as AI, might sound like something that won’t take over in our lifetime, but in reality, it’s already filtering through into our lives. Anytime your email inbox filters spam, you ask Siri a question or select a film from your Netflix recommendations you are using AI. AI is incredibly useful and it’s predicted that in as little as the next 35 years AI could advance to do many of our jobs for us. AI is a broad term, and the range of jobs which could become obsolete is equally as broad. Not convinced? In many cases AI has already begun to take over…

Personal assistants

Soon, we may no longer need people to organise meetings, respond to emails or worry about daily management tasks. Even today AI is beginning to replace Personal Assistants. Recently advertising agency Publicis Groupe announced it’s planning for 80,000 employees in 30 countries to utilise Marcel, a professional personal assistant powered by artificial intelligence. While outside of work, 60.5 million Americans currently use a voice-enabled virtual assistant at least once a month.

Content reviewers and protection

The cumbersome job of reviewing online content for explicit or inappropriate material is set to be taken over by AI. Youtube has begun to use AI robots to remove banned extremist videos, while Facebook is using AI, in conjunction with humans, to remove inappropriate images and content. YouTube has reported this method is more effective than humans which indicates AI is to become more and more popular in this important niche sector.

Fund traders

Recent developments predict that AI will soon change the Funds industry. In a sector where accuracy is vital and computers are heavily relied on, this shouldn’t be surprising.

Algorithmic high-frequency AI traders already account for over half of equity shares traded on US markets and In Germany two investment firms, BayernInvest and Acatis Investments, are about to launch the first global equity fund 100% controlled by AI.

Healthcare jobs

Like Funds, many healthcare professions place a huge importance on accuracy. AI could help to improve the precision of test results and shorten the amount of time it takes to predict certain diseases. AI is already being used to successfully predict heart attacks, while it’s been suggested that 3D printing could solve the organ transplant shortage. In the UK apps and AI are also being used to monitor patient’s health more efficiently.

Pilots and commercial drivers

Boeing are currently beginning to study self-driving planes, which could be used on commercial flights. Pilots already use an automated auto-pilot function, so in some ways this is the logical next step for airlines. Google are also developing a self-driving car called Waymo. Waymo is a fully self-driving car that is promised to be a safer driver than you or me. If successful, Waymo and similar technology could replace taxi drivers and other commercial drivers. AI is a complex and varied term that covers everything from receiving tailored movie recommendations to predicting what’s causing your health problems or organizing your work schedule. It’s impossible to tell when exactly advancements will come into play but what is certain is that the workplace of the near future will be very different for many than it is today.

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