Has Christmas in Ireland become too materialistic?Getty

Have Irish people forgotten the meaning of the season?

It seems that with every Christmas that goes by, the question of whether or not people are truly remembering the reason for the season grows more intense.

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In Ireland, shoppers are buzzing about in hopes of getting mountain-loads of gifts purchased and wrapped before the 25th.

Now, perhaps more than ever, the focus on gift buying (and yes, gift receiving) is rooted in how flashy or expensive a gift can be.

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Long gone are the days when a person would be happy with a gift of a piece of fruit or a small toy on Christmas morning in Ireland.

Now, children tear through pages upon pages in toy shop catalogs circling what they hope Santa will bring.

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Similarly, adults drop hints on the latest technology and fashion trends they want to unwrap on Christmas morning.

Few seem to be as enthusiastic about the true meaning of the holiday, the day in which Catholics celebrate the birth of Christ. 

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