Ladies AOH presents "Midwest GAA Introduction to Camogie"Getty

The Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians is proud to present "The Midwest GAA Introduction to Camogie" on their Facebook page on Saturday, June 4, 2022, at 10:00 am EST.

The Facebook live stream of "The Midwest GAA Introduction to Camogie hosted by the Ladies AOH will be part of their "Embracing Our Heritage" program.

The event will include interviews with active members of the Cleveland community that play Gaelic Football, Ladies Football, Hurling, and of course Camogie players.

Tune in to "The Midwest GAA Introduction to Camogie" on Saturday, June 4, 2022, at 10:00 am EST here.

Many members of the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians and Our Lady of the Rosary Division Cleveland, Ohio played Camogie for the Emerald Camogie Team in their youth.

Those former players are excited to see the rebirth of Camogie in the Midwest and are proud that the Midwest GAA Board is sponsoring an event at the West Side Irish American Club at 8559 Jennings Rd, Olmsted Township, Ohio on Saturday, June 4 and Sunday, June 5 to start the rebuilding of the game of Camogie. 

This two-day event has the support of the Global Games Development Fund/USGAA and the Midwest GAA. This event is titled Camogie 360 and its aim is to help familiarize the ladies with the rules and basic movement of the game.

Saturday will consist of classroom/presentation and mostly practical activities out on the field. On Sunday, the ladies will participate in a tournament with both novice and experienced players. This will be a fun event to participate in and watch the game. 

Ladies AOH "Embracing Our Heritage" program

The goal of the Embracing Our Heritage program is to promote Irish heritage and identity in the United States with a variety of productions, with topics ranging from Irish music, language, Irish History, and Irish American History. This program of events is free to participate in, and marketed to the LAOH membership and Irish diaspora with the assistance of the Emigrant Support Program.

Visit the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians website for more information or you can follow them on Facebook.