Feeling a little on the heavy side after Christmas? 85 percent of Irish people chose their resolution before Christmas. What are going planning for the New Year?Getty Images/iStockphoto

A new survey has shown that 85 percent of Irish people committed to their New Year’s resolutions before Christmas. Not surprisingly, the most popular resolution for 2015, after a Christmas and New Year spent gorging, was to get fit.

Life Style Sports’s questioned 2,500 people and 75 percent said they planned on working out more in the New Year.

However, not everyone will be hitting the gym in 2015. The band Alien Envoy, fronted by Nick Kelly, released an Irish celebrity-studded video listing quirky New Year’s resolutions from flossing to not wearing brown shoes with jeans.

The video features Irish stars such as Panti Bliss, economist David McWilliams, Tom Dunne, Mario Rosenstock and more.

Despite great plans, however, it seems that the Irish always tend to go for the same old New Year’s resolutions.

Here’s a list of the most common:

- Spend more time with family and friends

- Get fit

- Lose weight

- Quit smoking

- Enjoy life more

- Quit drinking

- Get out of debt

- Learn something new

- Help others

- Get organized

What’s your resolution for 2015?

Let us know in the comment section below.