Kerrygold, pure Irish butter, in your morning coffee? Really.

Would you try Kerrygold butter in your morning coffee? Why not join those 18,000 feet in the air and get on board!

Kerrygold butter is more popular than ever in the US but not just because it’s creamy, delicious, and makes your toast taste like a buttery cloud. It’s because people are putting it in their morning coffee.

The Irish butter is part of a health craze started by entrepreneur Dave Asprey, founder of Bulletproof coffee.

According to his blog in 2016, Asprey first “learned about the power of butter” in Tibet, where he was given a cup of coffee with yak butter in it while staying in a guest house at 18,000 feet of elevation on Mt. Kailash.

The butter coffee left Asprey completely rejuvenated and started him on a mission to create its equivalent back home in the US.

In 2010, he founded Bulletproof and developed an official recipe with three ingredients: one cup of pure black coffee, one to two tablespoons of MCT oil (derived from the fats in coconut oil), and one to two tablespoons of unsalted butter from grass-fed cows.

Enter Kerrygold.

Butter coffee enthusiasts, who are growing in number, say that it makes them energized and focused, and keeps hunger at bay.

And butter from grass-fed cows – Kerrygold in particular – is apparently the perfect implement. “Grass-fed butter is much healthier than other butter,” Asprey wrote.

“It doesn’t make cholesterol levels worse, it optimizes them! Starting your day with grass-fed butter will give you lots of energy and it will give your body healthy fats that it will use to make cell walls and hormones.”

He's praised the Irish butter, explaining that “Kerrygold cows are not given antibiotics or growth hormones. Kerrygold doesn’t use pesticides in their pastures. Irish dairy cows graze outdoors on grass all day long for up to 312 days a year.

"In fact, Irish cows graze on grass for longer than almost every country in the world.”

So what does butter coffee taste like? Fans say it’s smooth and creamy, akin to a buttery latte.

But of course, the only way to find out is to try it yourself: