Homemade barmbrack. Halloween is about to get a little more scrumptious!

Our in-house IrishCentral top-chef turned their hand to making tradition Halloween barmbrack, following Donal Skehan’s delicious recipe. Happy Halloween.

Looks so good right!? Barmbrack is the most perfect treat for Halloween, and just this time of year in general, especially if you go traditional and add all the secret surprises into the loaf.

You could add in some spot prizes to make your barmbrack more interesting. A penny means you'll be rich, a ring means you'll soon marry, a thimble means you'll never marry and a small piece of cloth indicates you'll be poor... Sorry.

Here’s Donal Skehan's traditional Halloween barmbrack recipe

Thanks, Donal. There’s nothing like a slice of brack with a cuppa on a cold fall day.

Read more tales about Halloween here

Do you have a favorite to bake / cook / eat at Halloween? Let us know in the comments section below and inspire the IrishCentral community.

* Originally published in 2016.