Aengus Mac GriannaRTE

The man who gave Ireland its most infamous TV blooper is to leave RTE, the national broadcasting company after 30 years.

A few years back, poor news presenter Aengus Mac Grianna was giving his face a bit of a touch-up, completely unaware that the previous news item had already finished and he was supposed to be fixing his eyes back on the teleprompter.

As he smoothed his hair, fixed his tie, flicked his jacket and looked admiringly at himself the camera went live.

His shocked expression when he realized he had been live even caught the attention of Jimmy Kimmel, who replayed the segment on his show.

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Announcing his departure, Mac Grianna said:

"I have spent 30 wonderful years in RTÉ. I have enjoyed going into work every day.

"I have been privileged to have had the opportunity to work in the organization and I will miss the colleagues and friends that I have made throughout the years."

Read More: The most iconic Irish TV moments of all time 

"I am looking forward to the next chapter of my life," he added