Attack of the bushman in this fantastic prank on a main Dublin City street. Nickxar/YouTube

Attack of the bushman in this fantastic prank on a main Dublin City street.

We can’t stop giggling at this hilarious prank played on unsuspecting pedestrians on a main street near Stephen’s Green in Dublin. Created by YouTuber Nickxar, both howls of fear and screams of laughter can be heard as the passers-by are set upon by seemingly innocent bush stations the edge of the sidewalk.

Thankfully everyone took it in good spirits and one woman can even be seen running back to give the walking bush a hug after she had been set upon. We're not sure that we'd be so gracious if we were frightened half to death by something large, green, and covered in leaves. 

Read more: Irish weather reporter’s dramatic Halloween prank goes viral (VIDEO)

It just goes to show, you can make all the elaborate prank plans in the world but when it comes down to it, jump out at people when they least suspect it and you can do no wrong. We'll definitely be keeping an eye on all the bushes around us on the walk home! 

Have you ever been the victim of an ingenious prank? Let us know about it in the comments section, below.

Read more: Motorists alarmed by tiger seen on Irish streets