William Bar plays bagpipes in the US Justice Department. YouTube

Attorney General William Barr plays bagpipes to the surprise of Justice Department guests

The NYPD Emerald Society pipe band was joined by a very special guest as they struck up to play at a conference at the US Justice Department on Wednesday. Attorney General William Barr himself rose to the occasion to play the bagpipes alongside them.

AG Barr took on a solo of "Scotland the Brave" with the society's pipe band, which performed just before the attorney general gave his opening remarks at the US Attorneys' National Conference at the Justice Department's headquarters in Washington.

Read more: A warning to Irish bagpipe players: your instrument could kill you

“Now how was that for an icebreaker?” he joked after the shock performance, explaining later how the solo came about as a result of a ruined surprise.

 “[My staff was] going to surprise me by having the Emerald Society pipe band come down from New York, but as you know I’m very proficient at — dare I say the word — spying,” Barr said.

“And I discovered the plot, and so this was my counter-surprise.”

A long-time bagpiper, this is not the first time Barr has unveiled his hidden talent. After being sworn in as attorney general by President George H.W. Bush in 1991, he also took to his favorite instrument to treat guests to an intimate concert in the Attorney General's conference room. 

Barr claims the last time he played was at his daughter's wedding in December, just a day after his nomination to be Attorney General was announced. 

What do you reckon on Barr's bagpiping skills? Let us know in the comments section, below.