Surprise! Hen party descends on the Carrigallen Mart in Co Leitrim.Carrigallen Mart, Facebook

A large group of women descended on a cattle market in Co Leitrim as part of a hilarious hen (bachelorette) party activity. 

The Carrigallen Mart in Co Leitrim was invaded by a group of ten women decked out in their finest hen party attire last Saturday, much to the surprise of auctioneer Micheál O'Reilly. 

"Nothing distracts a good auctioneer," the Irish cattle mart said in a cheeky social media post on April 22. "Best wishes to Anne & her crazy hen party."

O'Reilly told the Irish Farmer's Journal that he was conducting the weekly heifer sale when he noticed the large group of women. 

"I was in the process of looking around to see the person in the box who was selling the cattle and was unexpectedly greeted by a bunch of ladies," O'Reilly said, adding that one of the women was actually his neighbor.

O'Reilly said that the encounter was "different" and "a bit of craic." 

He said he carried on with the sale, despite the unexpected arrival of 10 women at a hen party, adding that the women may have added to a slight boost in the bidding war. 

"I kept on taking bids and seen that the hen party might have had a slight help on the trade," he told the Irish Farmer's Journal. 

O'Reilly added that he has seen a lot of different things at cattle markets but said hen parties were among the more unexpected appearances. 

He said the group remained at the mart for a while, soaking up the atmosphere of the Saturday afternoon cattle market. 

Co Leitrim is a popular destination for bachelorette parties in Ireland, with many groups heading to Carrick-on-Shannon, the main town in the county. 

The town is packed full of excellent pubs and clubs that ensure an unforgettable weekend away for the bride-to-be and her friends and family before the big day. There are also plenty of activities for hen parties to do in the town, including water sports, quad biking, and bubble soccer.