Well now... this one's a turn up for the books!iStock

Whether it’s been a great night out with the lads or a quick trip to the pub after work, we’ve all lost something at one stage or another, but one Belfast pub found something very unusual.

The Felons Club and Restaurant in Belfast are on the lookout for the owner of this set of teeth that someone left during a night out. One can only hope the owner finds them but considering it has been a good three days since they lost it, wouldn’t they have checked the pub by now?

The pub is holding onto the teeth in a safe and sterile environment, while the staff continues to wonder where this mysterious person is. When the owner finds out about this, it’s safe to say that they won’t be able to chew on it.

As of now, the pub is asking all who visited them on Friday to double-check that they have their gnashers, but the real question is, why would someone take their teeth out in a pub in the first place? There are more questions than answers here so let’s hope someone gets to the bottom of this!