This is the perfect description of trying to order coffee with an Irish name. Just These, Please

Having an Irish name outside of Ireland, it's nigh on impossible to get your coffee order to have your name correctly

Any Saoirse, Siobhán, Oisín or Diarmaid will tell you that the wait to order your coffee when living overseas with an Irish name means several frustrating minutes of being concerned over just how confused you are about to make the barista. 

And while comedy group "Just These, Please" are only one-quarter Irish (and Phillipa is a quite accessible name for the English to pronounce), they completely get the struggle for all the Meabhs and Fiachras out there who are left explaining how "yes, it is 'bh' but you pronounce it 'v.'"

Read more: Irish names that are most mispronounced in America

You can watch their hilarious sketch below: 

What is your experience of having an Irish name overseas? What's the most confusing spelling you've seen of your name? Let us know in the comments section, below. 

Read more: “Saoirse” baby name rising in popularity for Americans because of guess who?