Americans studying in Ireland sometimes fall into stereotypical behaviorTowson

Reddit post hilariously captures the Irish study abroad experience

A post on Reddit has summed up what an American student’s study abroad in Ireland period may look like.

An American student in Ireland starter pack

Relying on the stereotypes that so many Americans stumble into while studying abroad in Ireland, the infographic includes pints of Guinness, Celtic knot tattoos, and Dublin’s Temple Bar.

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Of course, also included in the graphic are three photos of the iconic Cliffs of Moher.

“A Cliffs of Moher pic is a legal requirement for every tourist I believe,” wrote one commenter humorously beneath the original post.

“Need to add "Kiss me I'm Irish" apparel,” another commenter added.

Naturally, there was plenty of discussion over the issue of whether or not Guinness actually tastes better in Ireland.

The comments also expand into what constitutes being Irish or not. It appears that most Irish people believe you need to be born and raised to be considered Irish, while many Americans who can trace even the faintest amounts of Irish ancestry will, problematically, consider themselves just as Irish.

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There is also the issue of fake or acquired accents, and how quickly they materialize for foreigners studying abroad. Or even worse, how often they Americans bring fake accents back to the US with them.

One commenter innocently asked for any tips before they travel to Ireland.

“No one really gives a s**** if you do come across as a bit of a tourist,” someone replied, “Just be friendly and people will be friendly back.”

What would you include in an American abroad in Ireland starter pack? Share below!