Two-year-old Irish dance enthusiastthe_little_irish_dancer/Instagram

On St. Patrick’s Day 2017, this little girl taught her Dad all about “Three Tunes”, clapping and hopping her way into our hearts.

With the world Irish dancing championships just past we take stock of the years and years of practice are coming to fruition for the winning Irish dancers, many of whom will have made their first steps into the Irish dancing world at a very young age. They may even have been as young as this adorable American two-year-old, who shows off incredible moves we’re sure will win her many prizes in the future.

On St. Patrick’s Day 2017, this little girl taught her Dad all about “Three Tunes”, clapping and hopping her way into our hearts. All dressed up in a little green bow, this talented little girl certainly has a very strong Irish dancing career ahead of her. The makings of a world champion for sure!

The dancer's Mom tells IrishCentral that she likes to think her little girl has been dancing since conception. A former four-year troupe member with Lord of the Dance, the little girl's Mom taught Irish dance through her pregnancy and brought her new dancing star along to watch her classes as soon as she was three months old. 

And we must say that she has great taste. The young dancer is said to be infatuated with her Mom's former boss Michael Flatley and loves to watch her Lord of the Dance DVD. 

She may not be old enough to travel to the world's herself yet but that hasn’t stopped her from keeping up with all the action. Just yesterday the little dancer was watching the ceilí dancing from the championships live and clapping along to the music. Just look how engrossed this little Irish dance enthusiast is!