A close friends of Phoebe Prince from Ireland recently visited her family in South Hadley.

It was an emotional meeting I'm sure for Phoebe's friend and her father with Phoebe's mother and siblings.

The visit came as new information has begun circulating about Phoebe's life back in Ireland where reports say she was bullied in one of her schools and actually switched to another because of it.

Her mother was a teacher at the second school Phoebe went to which likely stopped the bullying.

It should surely have sent a major message to all concerned in South Hadley High when Phoebe enrolled that she was susceptible to being bullied.

An aunt of Phoebe has made it clear that school authorities were told that she had indeed been bullied in Ireland.

The fact that they took no notice is another black mark against the school authorities who to this day refuse to accept their share of the blame.

The reality that her parents has separated and Phoebe had to find a new life in America when her Irish American mother returned here must have made it very difficult for her.

It is clear from her writings that she was very close to her father and must have missed him terribly.

Thus, when the bullying started it is little wonder that she was unable to cope and the horrific aftermath happened.

What is sad is that it all could so easily have been avoided but no one shouted stop.