A still from the weird U.S. Army Saint Patrick's Day tweet. Twitter/U.S. Army

The U.S. Army is being called on to delete their bizarre Saint Patrick's Day tweet featuring "shamrocks" flying from bombs and guns. 

Twitter was bemused on St. Patrick's Day 2018 to see the U.S. Army tweeting a weird Paddy's Day message showing shamrocks (actually four-leaved clovers) flying from guns and a soldier dancing over a superimposed tricolor (Irish flag). 

Now retweeted over 3.5k thousand times, the message read “Happy #StPatricksDay from the #USArmy. We appreciate how everyone wears a little green like us today.”

The video accompanying it shows clips from what seems to be an Army training video with cartoon clovers edited in to replace the bullets coming from guns and helicopters strikes. 

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The video has been heavily criticized with some calling for its removal. 

Some even called on government leaders currently in the U.S. for Saint Patrick's Day to have a word:

What do you make of the video? Let us know in the comments section below.